​​​​​​​Membership Fundraising

Stock up on beautiful Christmas gift boxes, classic Purdys Favourites, Himalayan Pink Salt Caramels, Sweet Georgia Browns and so much more. All profits will go directly to our team. So, satisfy those cravings and get all your Christmas gift-shopping done while supporting a great cause.

Order deadline: December 1st
Pick up: December 1th at the pool during DST's Annual Winter Break Invitational

What you need:
    Campaign number: 52052
    Campaign link: https://fundraising.purdys.com/1109549-121626

If you're sharing ordering info with friends and family, log into the Purdys site and use the custom link in the upper left of the screen.  Orders placed with this link will be associated with you and that will make distributing orders easier.  Perfect for sharing on social media!

  • Virtual Bottle Drive

Our team has an account at the Duncan Bottle Return Depot. You simply follow the steps below:

  1. take your bottles in and request that the money be deposited with the team.
  2. Request a receipt with your total that has been deposited to our team.
  3. Email the receipt to fundraising@duncanstingrays.com

We will keep track of your totals.

Thank you for supporting your team!

volunteer FundRaising Chairperson Janice G

PS: There is a private Facebook group for swim team parents to share information about gear, swim meets, carpooling, etc. To join, search for "Duncan Stingrays Parent Group".

PPS: Updates to these fundraisers will be posted to their respective webpages at the links provided above and they also appear in our Event Calendar: https://www.duncanstingrays.com/events


​​​​​​​Individual Member
​​​​​​​Grant Opportunities
& Applications

Individual members are required to apply directly to the organizations listed below. 
​​​​​​​For assistance, please contact Leanne for DST Grants assistance

KidSport Canada

  • Children under 18yrs of age are eligible
  • to a maximum of $500
  • applications must be received prior to, or at the beginning of the season

2024 KidSport Cowichan Grant Application


Canadian Tire JumpStart Canada

  • Children ages 4 - 18yrs are eligible to apply
  • Program must be a minimum of 5weeks in duration and at least 1 session per week
  • applications must be received prior to the program's start date


Athletics 4 Kids

  • Children ages 5 - 18yrs are eligible to apply
  • please apply at least 2 - 4 weeks before the start of the program

2024 A4K Application Form / online Application Form


​​​​​​​Corporate & Alumni Sponsorship

Our Team is pleased to encourage Corporate Sponsorship opportunities.  Please see our Team's Sponsorship application brochure pg1 / pg2 / pg3 / pg4

Interested in supporting the community's youth and your local team?  Please contact Coach Leanne for more info​​​​​​​


Interested in giving back to the Team that has afforded you so much?  Please contact Head Coach Leanne for sponsoring opportunities.